Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How BIG are the small things?

Today I am speaking to men mostly...I hate to admit it but men have been trying to figure out Women since Adam and quite frankly women can't even begin to explain how we function and why we get emotional or cry about something, but that is our nature and men just have to embrace it. I want to give you men out there a quick hint about how to make your woman feel special.

I will speak for most women, the SMALL things are what matter the most. For instance, getting up and fixing breakfast for your wife/girlfriend doesn't take a whole lot of effort but maybe waking up a little earlier and it is FREE! We value the small things a whole lot more than something you go out and buy. Thinking of her above yourself in fixing her a cup of coffee is much more than taking her out to starbucks. It all boils down to a few sayings..."actions speak louder than words" and "it is the thought that counts".

A personal example, I absolutely get giddy when I recieve things in the mail, besides bills, but that does not happen very often. So why do these things matter so much more...well it is because someone is putting out an effort to make sure you know you are loved.

Women, I dont want to exclude you from this entirely because men enjoy the small things such as a foot rub, not as much as women do, but they need the love and affection as much as women do.

Here are a few SMALL things you can do for your loved one:

  • breakfast in bed
  • leave encouraging post-it notes
  • remember to take out the garbage
  • make his/her favorite drink
  • pick up dirty laundry
  • call during the day just to say "Hi"
  • Smile at him or her
  • replace the toilet paper roll when it is out
  • wipe the toilet seat(men)
  • put the kids to bed
  • never under estimate the power of a goodnight kiss
  • talk to her...carry on a conversation on the phone...i know most men don't like to talk
  • pack her lunch for the day
  • open the car door for her
  • make her laugh...it does wonders for the soul

Those are just some small things that will say "i love you" without having to say anything:)
In reality the SMALL things are really big and meaningful...embrace it:)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

There is a reason for everything...

Throughout these past couple of months me and my family have been through a lot of excitement and turmoil; dealing with having a miscarriage, losing a 9 month old cousin due to illnesses, starting AdvoCare 24 day challenge, taking over the business at the Flea Market here in town, to starting summer classes!
It has been a whirlwind of many trials and exciting things taking place. I want to say that never in the tough times did I not know that God has a plan for our lives. He knew that for some reason or another that the baby I was planning to have was either not at the right time or wasn't developing right and so on, but he knows what is right for us and he knows what we can handle and can't handle.
I know sometimes during tough situations it is hard to understand why God would allow bad things to happen to you, but he knows what it best and he ordains every move we make!

It is reassuring to know that God knows all things and he will always be here for us!
I dont think I could ever live my life thinking there wasn't a God...there would be no purpose any more!
But God is REAL and he is HERE! I thank God everyday for the life he has given and the life he has planned for me in the future!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The weight issue...

So for those of you who have know me for a good portion of my life you know I have always had a little trouble with either self-esteem or feeling good enough...i dont know how to describe it?
Well let's see...Pre-baby I used to be around a size 4-6 and sometimes fit into a size 2 depending on the fit and brand I was wearing and POST-baby I am not that size anymore...really dont want to tell you what size I am lol! Anyways, I've always been concious about how I look or my body size even when I was smaller than I am now...I think what I'm needing and striving for is a sense of Self-Confidence (not cocky) no matter what size I am! A woman does not have to be a size 4 to look good or have a awesome personality...it takes Self-Esteem and confidence!
It is really easy for me to say it out loud or writing it BUT it is really hard to put it into action...WHY IS THIS?
This is always an issue with probably all women out there...either they are over weight, too skinny, struggling to look good or feel good about their selves.

I need motivation or a partner...I pray for help but I'm still not motivated to either get up and go work out or eat right!!

Dear Lord,

I pray asking you to heal my heart and give me that self-steem I lost somewhere down the road. I pray that I might be able to be comfortable with who I am and the way you made me. Give me the strength to say no to food that isn't good for me to put inside my body. May I glorify you Lord by gaining confidence in my self. Thank You for all you have provided for me.AMEN

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A long time coming...

So I will admit I haven't been on here in awhile and I dont want to make any excuses just my sincere apologies...As much as I want to write I haven't found time. (there goes an excuse lol, typical)

Tonight, I want to "babble" I guess on how LUCKY I am to be a member of such a wonderful, insightful, bible-teaching church (i could go on with the adjectives but I wont). Let me give you a little background on where I come from as a christian...

I have grown up my whole life in a Christian home with two wonderful Christian parents that have raised me well (i think) lol. I have attended a Baptist church ever since I was a baby. I attended Evangelical Christian School from middle school till I graduated High school. I experienced many trials and tribulations as a christian struggling through my spiritual walk with God, BUT (a very big BUT) never have I ever learned about the DOCTRINE of God...yes I said Doctrine.

In high school I will admit that most of the time my motive for going to church was to socialize...not to worship God. However, I did have a point in my life where I did feel my closest with God...like a spiritual high, if you know what I mean.  At that time it was nothing like the way im learning and discovering things about God now.

NOW that I attend Grace Community Church I have discovered that the way I have been taught has been WAY off base and at first I was very prideful of my Baptist background and what I've learned to be true, but after studying the word of God, listening to the teachings of our pastor, and studying the works of scholars in the Reformed faith I can't possibly turn away from it. If anyone sits down and reads scripture and pieces the facts together in the way God intended you cannot argue any other doctrine to be right.

I have so much stuff to express and don't know exactly how to say it...but I will leave you with something to think about...

Think about where you attend church, what is the doctrine of that church, Are you going to church for the right reasons, If you don't go to church, Why dont you go to church...This is a serious issue and dont take it light heartedly. I am still learning myself....and if you have any questions...im free to answer them.

God Bless and Goodnight....look forward to talking again:)

p.s. this time I wont take so long to write again

Monday, January 10, 2011

Speaking the Truth

With my wife a bit under the weather I, Zach, am taking over for the latest blog. I know what some of you are thinking, “OMG call crime stoppers before he says anything” or “I have to forward this to everyone to show how weird and uncomformed to our society he is.” But aren’t we as Christians suppose to be a little unworldly?
So I will start there. For all of the 10 people or so out there that will read this, I ask a simple question. Can the world see Christ in you? I pray the answer is undoubtedly yes. But for those that had to ponder for a moment, and are professing Christians, why is this even an issue? Does it bother you that someone might think there is something off about you? Well I’m here to say that distinction should be celebrated. God has called each one of us for His purpose, and it is only through Him that you are even breathing the air you are right now. God didn’t make you a lamp to be put under a basket. Get on the stand people! There is an upside down world out there, and God needs his disciples (and some radical ones at that).
I am really not meaning to preach a sermon here, but when I was trying to find something to write about; I realized there is only one truth to speak. And no I’m not talking to anyone in particular (so don’t read this and get all drama drama on me and say I’m trying to bash on you).Trust me I’m not pointing out specks in other people’s eyes, I can see the log in my own. I’m certainly not claiming to be perfect here. But take pride in the Grace that God has given you. Not everyone has the privilege to be called a child of God.
I’m not a man of many words so I will stop here. Maybe Laura will get well enough to write later in the week. I’d hate for you to have to read my ramblings again. Lol. Have a blessed day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Persistance is the Key!

So I made quite a few new year's resolutions...and so far I've kept up with them!
I've been reading the bible everyday...I've worked out once this week and I'm going again today!
Everytime I work out I feel so good afterwards and it gives me a HUGE boost of Energy!
As far as worrying, I've tried my hardest to leave mine and my husband's past (nothing to do with cheating) behind me and look toward the future; although I have failed a little at bringing up the past, I have minimized it in hopes to never bring it up again.
As far as the others...I think they come with time and prayer!

Although I can say that in the past few days God has heard my prayer and he has blessed me and my family with a wonderful church and church friends that I cannot wait to see the future that lies within both!

On a totally different topic...

Have you ever been at a place in your life and realized that the people that are your friends aren't really your friends and aren't good people you should be surrounding yourself with? Well to tell you the truth I've been there several times and each time I decide to not hang around them anymore. However, I find myself with no friends except for the exception of two or three friends who I consider my lifetime friends that will be around forever no matter how far away we live from each other. But it has brought me to this question...How come I cant find people in my life to be or become close friends...or a couple that me and Zach can hang out with that are good influences in our life! It sometimes makes me think what is wrong with me? Do I not seem fun? Who Knows??? I think friends are one of our needs more than anything else. I have come to the point in my life where the partying days are over...I dont have to have alcohol to have a good time...simply playing a card game, sitting around talking about various topics, or driving in the car listening to 80's music (does this sound lame) is fun for me!

Call me a parent or lame...whatever it is you think! I'm longing for that friend or couple of friends to hang out with, debate theology with, go get manicures with, go shopping (some place other that Union City lol), and whatever else! However, God has his time and place for things to come in and out of boths mine and my husband's life! We are both anxious to see what God has in store for this New Year and the months to come in our Newly wonderful marriage!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Me

Hey! If you don't know who I am my name is Laura....just recently married 6 months ago to a wonderful husband and we have an amazing 15 month year old son, altogether living in Union City, TN..two hours away from my friends and family.  I have decided for the new year to start a blog to communicate my thoughts, feelings, excitements, let downs, and everything that essentially goes on in my life.

This new year in 2011 I want to be a new and improved ME that glorifies God in everything I say, think and do! Well lets just say I have many New Year's resolutions and just maybe I can have enough self-discipline to achieve them....I want to tell you the many resolutions I want to accomplish and maybe you can help me achieve them!

Here is the list of my New Year's Resolutions....
Read the entire Bible in a year
Not worry as much as I do....
Work Out at least 3 times a week
Continue to write on this Blog
Spend my money more wisely and SAVE!
Eat right
Graduate with good grades
Find a good job and excel at it:)
Be slow to anger, quick to listen, slow to speak (James 1:19)
Make forth an effort to find good, quality friends

Ultimately....Glorify God the way he wants me to.

Obviously this is a lot to accomplish, but I think it can be done. I have already gotten on track with reading the Bible in a year and to tell you the truth even reading Genesis chapters 1-4 (chapters I have read and heard over and over again) I have recognized things that I have never realized before...God is opening my eyes in a whole new way by reading his word and being enlightened. I hope to be self disciplined enough to continue reading through the Bible this entire year and I hope that noting gets in my way...*wishful thinking!

I know many of you who have made New Year's resolutions and plan to achieve them...I encourage you to stick with it! Don't let silly things keep you from achieving those goals! Let's together start this New Year with a positive outlook and not remember the past! Look toward the future and what God has in store for us!